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Books for Parents

The Conscious Parent's Guide to Childhood Anxiety
Author: Sherianna Boyle
Parents will learn how to take a relationship-centered approach to parenting that engages their child and ensures that he/she succeeds behaviourally, socially, and cognitively. Conscious parenting is about being present with your child and taking the time to understand how to help him/her flourish. By practicing this mindful method, you can support your child emotionally and help nurture his/her development.
Average Cost: $22.00
Parents will learn how to take a relationship-centered approach to parenting that engages their child and ensures that he/she succeeds behaviourally, socially, and cognitively. Conscious parenting is about being present with your child and taking the time to understand how to help him/her flourish. By practicing this mindful method, you can support your child emotionally and help nurture his/her development.
Average Cost: $22.00

Freeing Your Child from Anxiety
Author: Tamar E. Chansky
Teaches parents how to help their kids manage their emotions and overcome worry.
Average cost: $24.00
Teaches parents how to help their kids manage their emotions and overcome worry.
Average cost: $24.00

Helping Your Anxious Child
Authors: Ronald M. Rapee, Susan H. Spence, Vanessa Cobham, Ann Wignall, Heidi Lyneham
Provides parents strategies for easing kids' worries based on cognitive behavioral therapy.
Average Cost: $28.00
Provides parents strategies for easing kids' worries based on cognitive behavioral therapy.
Average Cost: $28.00

The Opposite of Worry
Author: Lawrence J. Cohen
Teaches parents to assess their own anxieties and to guide their children through their anxieties and fears using drawing, writing and other forms of play.
Average Cost: $23.00

Growing Up Brave
Author: Donna B. Pincus
Tackles many topics like separation and social anxiety and gives parents the tools they need to make sure their kids find long-term happiness.
Average Cost: $35.00

Anxiety Relief for Kids
Author: Bridget Flynn Walker
Quick, in-the-moment solutions parents can easily use to help their child face their fears and worries.
Average: $26.00

Treating Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety
Authors: Eli R. Lebowitz and Haim Omer
Provides an inside look at the nuts and bolts of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for childhood anxiety. The book is filled with analogies, examples, and practical advice that professionals and parents will refer back to over and over again.
Average Cost: $66.00
Provides an inside look at the nuts and bolts of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for childhood anxiety. The book is filled with analogies, examples, and practical advice that professionals and parents will refer back to over and over again.
Average Cost: $66.00

Help for Worried Kids
Author: Cynthia G. Last
While kids grow out of ‘normal worries' like monsters under the bed, they don’t grow out of more serious forms of anxiety. In fact, they can get worse as they get older. Find out what to do so your child worries no more.
Average Cost: $22.00

From Timid To Tiger
Author: Sam Cartwright-Hatton
A treatment manual for parents and caregivers providing simple cognitive behavioural techniques for helping their children to manage their worries and fears.
Approximate Cost: $58.00

Keys to Parenting Your Anxious Child
Author: Katharina Manassis
An experienced child psychiatrist describes various anxiety-caused behavior patterns and advises parents on ways to help their child within the context of both family and school environments.
Average Cost: $11.50
An experienced child psychiatrist describes various anxiety-caused behavior patterns and advises parents on ways to help their child within the context of both family and school environments.
Average Cost: $11.50

Helping Your Child Overcome Separation Anxiety Or School Refusal
Author: Andrew R. Eisen, Linda B. Engler, Joshua D. Sparrow
Assists caregivers to identify when your child's separation anxiety or school refusal is more than just a phase and offers effective tools that you can use to manage your child's anxiety. Real-life stories about other children facing these challenges will help you keep your situation in perspective and remember that, with patience and persistence, your child will overcome his or her anxiety.
Average Cost: $31.95
Assists caregivers to identify when your child's separation anxiety or school refusal is more than just a phase and offers effective tools that you can use to manage your child's anxiety. Real-life stories about other children facing these challenges will help you keep your situation in perspective and remember that, with patience and persistence, your child will overcome his or her anxiety.
Average Cost: $31.95

The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind
Author: Daniels J. Siegel, Tina Payne Bryson
Complete with age-appropriate strategies for dealing with day-to-day struggles and illustrations that will help you explain these concepts to your child, The Whole-Brain Child shows you how to cultivate healthy emotional and intellectual development so that your children can lead balanced, meaningful, and connected lives.
Average Cost: $23.00
Complete with age-appropriate strategies for dealing with day-to-day struggles and illustrations that will help you explain these concepts to your child, The Whole-Brain Child shows you how to cultivate healthy emotional and intellectual development so that your children can lead balanced, meaningful, and connected lives.
Average Cost: $23.00
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